Massage Certification Course

Discover massage mastery with our Certification Course, learning Circulatory and Deep Tissue techniques for healing.

The Massage Certification Course trains students to provide body work to clients through a safe and supportive environment.

Topics covered:

  • Circulatory Massage: Swedish and Esalen massage techniques and their therapeutic applications
  • Deep Tissue: Sculpting techniques for releasing chronic and acute tension through deep, melting strokes and compression of the musculature.
  • Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene
  • Introduction to Neurosomatics: The study of how the psyche may be understood and approached through the body. Students address the psychological attitude of their clients and how these attitudes are embodied in a particular physical structure.
  • Passive Joint Movement: Exploration and demonstration of body flexibility and the range of motion work, including manipulation techniques. Gentle trepidation, rocking, and, imagery are incorporated in working with subtle movements affecting deep levels of the body.
  • Self-Massage
  • Refloxology and accupressure: the 14 main meridians of acupressure and 80 major individual points — where they are located, and how to use them in treatments.
  • Supervised Practice

This is not an online course, as it requires hands-on instructions and practice. It can be taken at schools approved by Passion University that are at the student’s geographical location.

About Instructor



October 4 - December 9, 2027


Live Online Classes