Spiritual and Transpersonal Wellness

Explore altered states in transpersonal rituals for healing and creativity, diving into expressive arts for spiritual insights.

Explorations in altered states through transpersonal and shamanic rituals.

Develop lifelong skills to tap your intuition and the world of spirit for healing, creativity, power, and insight. Dive into deeper explorations in altered states. Expand the range of creative media and expressions to access the resources of your spiritual nature: Dance, music, drama, painting, sculpting, and poetry.

The course combines academic learning and experiential sessions. Students have access to extensive resources through the eLearning Center. Face-to-face class time is primarily utilized for experiential processes and individual guidance. Although students learn structured techniques and processes, the instructor also supports students finding their own best methods within shamanic healing practices.

Objectives: In this course you will learn how to

  • Create a setting for shamanic journeys
  • Utilize traditional tools and modern neurosomatics
  • Open your energy channels
  • Qualities of altered states
  • Connect with your power animals and spirit teachers
  • Integrate shamanic experiences with your Purpos

About Instructor



April 5 - June 10, 2027


Live Online Classes