Bachelor of Science
in Holistic Health
Bachelor of Science in Holistic Health
The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Public Health is a four-year undergraduate program for health and complementary medicine students seeking careers.
B.S. Entry Requirements
Admission is open to those with a high school diploma or who meet the University’s minimum education requirements in English, Humanities and Sciences. Applicants should also have completed Passion, Life and Evolution.
You are expected to be proficient in collegiate English language skills. If you are a second-language English applicant, you should submit records of the TOEFL examination with scores of 550 minimum. You are expected to have access to a computer, email, the Internet and other outside library resources for the full extent of your program.
B.S. Degree Requirements
A minimum of 180 quarter units is required for the degree with elements in general education, the core academic major, electives, an internship and a final examination, as defined below:
- Passion Training (44 units)
- Holistic Health Core Courses (33 units)
- Holistic Health Electives (36 units)
- General Education (18 units)
- General Electives (33 units)
- Holistic Health Internship (12 units)
- Comprehensive Final Examination (4 units)
To complete some of these requirements, students may transfer appropriate coursework completed at outside colleges and training institutions and from college proficiency examinations. Students may apply for proper college equivalency credits earned through formal portfolio assessment. Relevant elements from your general education coursework may also apply to the academic major. These core academic competencies emphasize the theories, principles, and practices at the foundation of the discipline as well as the philosophical and cultural implications of the field. They also incorporate applied elements of the discipline.
Program Details
Passion Training
A minimum of 44 units of Passion Training Courses are required for the Bachelor’s degree:
- Passion Life Coaching
- Holistic Fitness
- Holistic Fitness Workouts
- Passion, Life and Evolution
- Health and Wellness
- Life Cycles & Human Development
- Relationships and Communications
- First Aid and Crisis Care
- Bodywork and Energy Medicine
- Emotional Intelligence
- Passion Training Retreats (5)
- Passion Training Internship
Holistic Health Core Courses
A minimum of 33 Holistic Health Core Courses units are required for the Bachelor’s degree:
- Health Models and Practices
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Nutrition and Health-Care
- Emotional and Trauma Healing
- Sexual Wellness
- Expressive Arts
- Spiritual and Transpersonal Wellness
- Ecology and Sustainability
- Social Intelligence and Leadership
- Holistic Health Retreats
Holistic Health Electives
The Bachelor’s degree requires a minimum of 36 units of elective Holistic Health Courses. Students can select courses from a wide variety of academic resources, workshops, training, and other educational resources under their mentor’s advisement and with the approval of the academic committee.
Other Electives
Students may take other approved courses to help complete the minimum 180 credit units required for the B.S. degree.
Holistic Health Internship
Students must investigate the core aspects of holistic health within the professional environment through close contact with practitioners and real-world situations. Students should participate in the field study for at least 320 contact hours. The field placement is expected to afford students appropriate practical hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge of their areas of practice. Students complete a daily journal and prepare a scholarly paper summarizing their findings for the field study.
Under the supervision of assigned instructors, students will select from a range of personal development, growth, and transformative practices (e.g., meditative/contemplative, art/expressive, interpersonal/psychological, yoga, breathwork, bodywork, cultural expeditions, volunteer/service, combinations of these, etc.) and document their experiences on life domains relevant to holistic health. The student can undergo these experiences in holistic health centers, medical clinics, hospitals, schools, colleges, spas, etc.
Comprehensive Final Exam
The final examination may be scheduled once the senior project has been completed. The final examination will include written and oral elements. The written portion is an open book style with selected essay questions requiring creative responses that reach for the higher levels of cognition. The student’s answers are expected to draw from the academic competencies of their program with proper referencing of the scholarly literature. The oral component of the examination is usually completed by telephone conference or an alternative asynchronous method and is intended to allow a detailed investigation of the student’s written responses.