Passion University provides passion-based education, research and development:

  • The core program is Passion Training, used to learn and develop your authentic passion.
  • The academic programs enable students to pursue careers that fulfill their passion.
  • The university’s R&D studies the qualities of passionate living and develops tools to improve the overall quality of life of individuals, communities, organizations, societies and environments.

Passion University’s core values are unity, wisdom, creativity, love, power, joy and peace for all. Founded in San Francisco in 1997, it draws upon the Bay Area’s advanced technology resources, academic excellence and progressive culture of personal, social and environmental awareness.

Passion University implements Passion-Based Education pedagogical methods. Students have open programs that integrate multifaceted global education resources, and they study in supervised teams that provide dynamic structures for learning, inquiry, practice, sharing, compassion, support, collaboration and inspiration. Students are guided throughout their studies by academic counselors who provide on-going education advising personal coaching and career mentoring.

Passion-based education provides a missing element in traditional education.

Study the global transformation, promote collaboration and prepare competent professionals and leaders for it.

Embody and develop passionate qualities in students’ personal lives, relationships and careers.

Passion Age

In the emerging era of humanity, passion qualities are enlivened globally for individuals, societies, and environments.