Holistic Psychology Ph.D. Dissertation

The Ph.D. in Holistic Psychology students are expected to complete a research praparation in foundational theories, principles, and practices specific to the proposed dissertation research, thus clarifying the underlying principles and justifications that support the proposed concept for research.

Basic Research Methods

The Ph.D. in Holistic Psychology students are expected to complete a research praparation in foundational theories, principles, and practices specific to the proposed dissertation research, thus clarifying the underlying principles and justifications that support the proposed concept for research.

Students must complete a suitable research methods course. Students must pass a quality review examination conducted by the graduate committee, and if deemed essential, complete additional research methodology coursework to satisfy preparation requirements.

Literature Review

The literature review is designed to guide the student in conducting a thorough and effective search of the scholarly literature in relation to a project of research. Students examine the quality of existing scholarly literature in their field of research and participate in a quality review under the guidance of the doctoral committee.

Research Presentation

The Research Presentation is intended to guide the student in understanding the requirements for effective written argument, referencing and citations of the scholarly literature, and presentation of the findings from research and participate in a quality review under the guidance of the doctoral committee.

Doctoral Comprehensive Review

Upon satisfactory completion of the doctoral research tutorials, the student will be authorized to schedule the comprehensive review. The senior member of the doctoral committee will direct the written and oral components of the review. The written portion is open book style with selected essay questions requesting creative responses that reach for the higher levels of understanding. Answers should be drawn from the scholarly literature as well as applications within the professional business environment. Proper referencing of the scholarly literature is expected. The oral component of the review shall be completed by conference between the student and committee members and is intended to encourage an open discussion of the written essay responses.

Dissertation Proposal Process

During the Dissertation Proposal Process, students prepare a formal proposal related to their concept for research. The proposal is completed under the direction of the doctoral committee and prepared according to published University guidelines, which shall be provided to the student.

Conduct of Dissertation Project

Following approval of the dissertation proposal, students will begin their research project. The dissertation may take the form of a traditional research project or it may be a major scholarly project of the type appropriate to the discipline. Whichever approach to the dissertation is chosen, the resulting project must demonstrate mastery of a body of knowledge in the field and represent a meaningful and original contribution to the betterment of the profession.

The dissertation project may be conducted by quantitative, qualitative, or participatory action research. The body of the dissertation manuscript should exceed 60 double spaced, typewritten pages and be structured according to a set of approved research and manuscript guidelines provide by the University. Dissertations that take the form of a scholarly project must follow the guidelines provided by the University for such projects.

Oral Review of Dissertation

Once the student has prepared the dissertation manuscript, the the doctoral committee will schedule the formal review process and act to conduct both the formal physical review of the manuscript and oral review of the dissertation project.

Following receipt of the research manuscript, it usually takes the three member doctoral committee four to six weeks to complete the physical review and prepare questions and commentary for later discussion. The oral review is carried out by personal conference and is designed to allow detailed investigation of the underlying review of the literature, the dissertation methodology, and the mechanics of the project, presentation of the findings, and conclusions and recommendations.

One outcome of the dissertation review process is a set of final expectations directing the student through the remaining tasks for completing the dissertation manuscript. Once the final manuscript is approved, the student will submit the formal document to an approved bindery and later arrange for the bound dissertation to be shipped to the University headquarters for permanent archival storage. Upon the student’s completion of the final tasks, and receipt of the needed records and documentation, the University will issue a letter of completion to the student. It will then make preparation for issuance of the transcript of record and diploma certificate.

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October 4 - December 9, 2027


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